admin2023-01-08T12:20:54+00:00One of the most desired times of the year has begun: the holidays. Rest days and disconnection from the workplace are essential after so many hours of work. However, there are still many doubts about two questions, when and how many days correspond to the worker.
Vacation Duration
– Working days or calendar days: The agreement can set the duration of the holidays in working days -not taken into account on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays-, or on calendar days -if they are computed-.
– Days per month worked: If the agreement marks 30 calendar days as vacations, the worker owns 2.5 days of vacation per month worked. If set to 22 business days, 1.8 days per month worked.
Part-time or reduced-time workers are entitled to the same number of vacation days as full-time employees. The only thing that changes is the remuneration, which will be proportional to each day – during this period the same amount is charged. In addition, its beginning must be established on a business day. Never on a holiday or business day.
These rest days must always be paid and cannot be substituted for extra money. Vacation pay must be commensurate with the worker’s usual salary.
Maternity protection
When the holiday period set in the company’s holiday calendar coincides over time with a temporary disability resulting from pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding or with the period of suspension of the employment contract, you will have the right to enjoy the holidays on a date other than that of temporary disability or the enjoyment of the corresponding permit, at the end of the period of suspension, even if the calendar year to which they correspond has ended.
IT match
There is conservation of the right to enjoy vacations when they coincide in whole or in part with a period of temporary disability due to common illness provided that no more than eighteen months have elapsed from the end of the year in which they originated.
Termination of contract
In case of termination of the employment relationship without vacation enjoyment, they must be included in the settlement and require the liquidation and complementary contribution in the month of termination of the contract.
In the case of a subcontracting of works or services, the main company must respond to a non-payment by the contractor of vacations not taken to workers during the year following the end of the contract.
Vacation Date
The most common is for the company to establish an annual holiday calendar. The selection of the days of enjoyment must be chosen by mutual agreement with the employer. Who should inform their workers of the exact date at least two months in advance. A response that must be respected by the employee, but can be dismissed or disciplined.
On some occasions, the date of the holiday period already agreed may be modified without prejudice to either party. There are two possible situations:
– On the part of the company: it should only be done for exceptionally serious causes. They will have to be demonstrable.
– On the part of the worker: it will only be accepted if it does not involve any harm to the company.