Social Security approves a moratorium on social contributions for 12 economic sectors
Patrick Gordinne Perez2025-01-17T17:57:15+00:00The Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration has given the go-ahead to the ministerial decree that develops the moratorium on company social security contributions provided for in Royal Decree 11/2020, which will allow companies and self-employed workers in 12 economic sectors to suspend for six months, without interest, the social security contributions (for companies, the company contributions and for joint collection concepts and self-employed workers, their share) due during the months of May, June and July.
In the case of self-employed workers, these monthly payments are those corresponding to these months, while in the case of companies, they are those for the previous month. Specifically, the ministerial decree authorises the following economic sectors to apply for a moratorium on social security contributions without interest for the coming months:
CNAE code 2009 Description of activity
119 Other non-perennial crops 129 Other perennial crops 1812 Other printing activities 2512
Manufacture of metal joinery 4322 Installation of plumbing, heating and air conditioning 4332 Installation of joinery 4711
Retail sale in non-specialised shops with food predominating 4719 Other retail sale in non-specialised shops 4724
Retail sale of bread and bakery products in specialised shops 7311 Advertising agencies 8623 Dental activities 9602 Hairdressing and other beauty treatment
The moratorium will allow the self-employed and companies whose activity corresponds to these CNAE codes to request the suspension of employer contributions for their workers for a period of six months without any interest. If the moratorium is granted, the payments due in May will be paid in November and so on for the remaining monthly instalments.
Companies must apply for this moratorium between the 1st and 10th of the month in which they are due to make the payment to the Social Security Treasury via the RED system. In the case of self-employed workers who are not authorised to use RED, they may use the electronic social security office service.
This measure is new in its extension, as until now authorised moratoria have been limited to geographical criteria, following natural disasters, as was the case with the Lorca earthquake in 2011, but had never been implemented at a sectoral level.
Self-employed workers and companies whose activity is not among those listed have the option of requesting a deferral of social security contributions with an interest rate of 0.5% seven times lower than normal for payments due during the months of April, May and June.
These initiatives are part of the package of measures put in place by the government to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on businesses, the self-employed and workers.
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