When does the 2023 income tax campaign start in Spain?
Patrick Gordinne Perez2024-02-05T05:40:38+00:00Attention taxpayers! The 2023 Income Tax Campaign will start on 3 April, just after Easter.
And there is good news: you will have 8 more days to prepare and file your returns! In addition, this year you will be able to file your tax return online until 1 July 2024 (as 30 June falls on a Sunday).
Dates of the 2023 tax campaign
In Spain, the period to submit your tax return we call it “Tax campaign” ( Campaña de la renta) . So that you don’t miss out, here are the key dates:
- From 3 April to 1 July 2024: Online filing of your Income and Wealth tax returns 2023.
- From 7 May to 1 July 2024: Telephone assistance for you to prepare your returns, with appointments available from 29 April to 28 June.
- From 3 June to 1 July 2024: In-person assistance at the offices, with appointments available from 29 May to 28 June.
So, now you know, get your papers ready and start filing your Income Tax Return for 2023!
With the Royal Decree of anti-crisis measures approved in 2023, the Treasury is getting serious and could force us to file our income tax return online.
But don’t worry, there will be personalised help for those who need a hand. In 2024, this measure will also apply to Wealth Tax.
Attention self-employed:
listen well, everyone, no matter what income they have, will have to file their income tax return. Yes, it’s a pain, but that’s the way it is.
And attention!
For the Renta 2024, the minimum exemption for the tax return increases. If you have earned more than 15,000 quid with two or more payers, and the total of the second and subsequent payers exceeds 1,500 euros, you will have to file the IRPF 2023.
But be careful not to be caught unawares, if you have cryptocurrencies abroad valued at more than 50,000 euros, you must include them in your tax return, whether you are the holder or the beneficiary. Better safe than sorry, right?
What’s new in the 2023 income tax on rented housing?
Finally, if you are a lucky owner of a rented property, there are new features. Now the general reduction is 50% and if you have done renovation work in the two years prior to renting, you are entitled to a 60% reduction. Take advantage!
What’s new for young people in the 2023 rent
Good news for young people!
You can now get a 70% reduction on rents in stressed markets. And if that’s not enough, there’s also a 90% reduction on rents – great, isn’t it!
Deductions for commuting
Hey, and you know what else? If you have a salary and you have to travel, you will be able to deduct up to 0.26 euros per kilometre travelled in the Renta 2024. So don’t hesitate to use your car or public transport, they will reimburse you!
What’s new in the modules for the 2023 income tax return?
On the other hand, the system of modules remains unchanged, but with good news: the reduction of the net yield has been reduced to 5% compared to the 10% of last year 2023. This is sure to help many self-employed workers.
Oh, and an exemption has been approved for work income with company shares. So if you are part of a start-up company, this is for you! Let’s continue to prosper together!
Watch out for the Moves 3 Plan
Taxation in IRPF 2023
If you are given a grant to buy a car you have to declare it on your income tax. Many people do not know this but dealers are not obliged to declare that they have given you a subsidy and most people forget that the subsidy is like income and do not declare it on their income tax.
The Moves III Plan is a grant and encourages, through subsidies, the purchase of electric, fuel cell (hydrogen powered) or hybrid vehicles, as well as the installation of charging points.
If you receive any of these subsidies:
You must declare it as a capital gain in the general personal income tax base. You will have to compute it in the year of receipt. For these purposes, it does not matter when it was applied for or granted.
Deduct the amount from the deduction base to which you are entitled in IRPF for investments of this type made between 30 June 2023 and 31 December 2024.
Declare the subsidies from the Moves III Plan within the general IRPF base for the year in which they are received.