Tough penalties for non-compliance with labour measures Covid-19
admin2022-12-31T07:34:03+00:00Penalties non-compliances Covid-19
The Labor Inspectorate may sanction penalties non-compliance Covid-19 with prevention and hygiene measures in the workplace
Royal Decree Law 26/2020, of July 7, on economic recovery measures to face the impact of COVID-19 in the areas of transport and housing, in its twelfth final provision, authorizes the officials of the Labor Inspection and Social Security to control compliance, by companies, of the public health measures provided for by Royal Decree-Law 21/2020, of June 9, of urgent measures of prevention, containment and coordination to deal with the health crisis.
These sanitary measures are the following:
• Adoption of ventilation, cleaning and disinfection measures appropriate to the characteristics and intensity of use of work centers, in accordance with established protocols.
• Provision of soap and water, or hydroalcoholic gels or disinfectants with virucidal activity, authorized and registered by the Ministry of Health, for hand cleaning.
• Adaptation of working conditions, including the organization of jobs and the organization of shifts, as well as the use of common places so as to guarantee a minimum interpersonal safety distance of 1.5 meters between workers. When this is not possible, workers should be provided with protective equipment appropriate to the level of risk.
• Adoption of measures to avoid the massive coincidence of people, both workers and customers / users, in workplaces during the times of predicted greatest influx.
Failure to comply with these measures can be considered a serious offense in the prevention of occupational hazards, and may lead to sanctions by the Labor and Social Security Inspection for amounts ranging from 2,046 to 40,985 euros.
We hope that this information is useful to you and we remain at your disposal, as always.