admin2023-01-31T16:56:36+00:00Regarding the self-employed, it includes the extension of the coverage of the self-employed aid until January 31, 2021.
We have 4 possible scenarios:
1. Extraordinary cessation of activity (suspension of activity due to new restrictions)
• Be affiliated and registered in RETA, at least 30 calendar days before the termination date and be up to date with the payment of fees.
• Benefit: 50% of the contribution base (around € 472.20). Expandable 20% for large families. (When people united by conjugal bond live in the same home and two or more are entitled to the benefit, the amount will be reduced to 40%)
• Payment of fees: exempt.
• Duration: From the day following the adoption of the activity closure measure adopted by the competent authority until the last day of the month in which the lifting of the same is agreed.
2. Ordinary cessation of activity (for those who do not quote due to cessation of activity)
• Be affiliated and registered in RETA before April 1, 2020 and be up to date with the payment of fees.
• Not have income in the fourth quarter 2020 higher than tCopiarhe SMI (€ 950 / month) and foresee a reduction in income in the fourth quarter of 2020 of at least 50% in relation to the income of the first quarter of 2020.
• Benefit: 50% of the contribution base (around € 472.20). Expandable 20% for large families. (When people united by conjugal bond live in the same home and two or more are entitled to the benefit, the amount will be reduced to 40%)
• Payment of fees: Exempt
• Duration: from 10/01/2020 to 01/31/2020 if requested before 10/14/20. If requested later, the effects will be from the first day of the month following the request date.
3. Ordinary cessation of activity (for those who quote due to cessation of activity)
• Be affiliated and registered with the RETA and up to date with the payment of fees.
• Having contributed for cessation of activity for a minimum period of 12 continuous months and immediately prior to cessation.
• Proof of a reduction in billing during the fourth quarter of 2020 of at least 75% in relation to the period of 2019, as well as not having obtained during the fourth quarter of 2020 net returns greater than 5,818.75 euros ( 1,939.58 euros per month.
• Having received until 06/30/20 the extraordinary benefit for cessation of activity
• Benefit: 70% of the contribution base + the amount of the contributions for common contingencies (around € 928.00)
• Payment of fees: Income from all contributions applying the current rates to the corresponding contribution base
• Duration: from 10/01/2020 to a maximum of 01/31/2020 if requested before 10/14/20. If requested later, the effects will be from the first day of the month following the request date.
4. Help for the seasonal self-employed
• Have been registered with RETA for at least four months in the period from June to December of each of the years 2018 and 2019.
• Not having been registered or assimilated to registration as an employee in the corresponding Social Security scheme for more than 120 days during the period between June 1, 2018 and July 31, 2020.
• Not having developed activity or having been registered or assimilated to registration from March 1 to May 31, 2020.
• Not having received any benefit from the Social Security system during the months of January to June 2020, unless it was compatible with the exercise of an activity as a self-employed worker
• Not having obtained during the year 2020 income that exceeds € 23,275
• Be up to date in the payment of Social Security contributions
• Benefit: 70% of the minimum contribution base (€ 661.00)
• During the receipt of the benefit, there will be no obligation to contribute, and the worker will remain registered or assimilated to registration in the corresponding Social Security scheme.
IMPORTANT: Failure to comply with the requirements established in each modality will lead to the return of the benefits received.
If you think you may be in any of the above options, you can contact us to help you ask for help.