5 keys to digital transformation in companies
Patrick Gordinne Perez2024-05-26T16:56:58+00:00Digital transformation is a necessary process for companies, especially if they have to take on new challenges. Here we provide you with practical keys to make it happen.
5 keys to digital business transformation
Digital transformation processes can be total or partial. That is, you can start from scratch or you can introduce new developments in a company that already operates digitally.
However, we must remember that the installation of these technologies is a point of no return, so it is advisable to know how to make the most of it.
Not surprisingly, they also involve, most of the time, a significant investment.
Here is a sequence of keys to successful digital transformations in your company. Read more…
1. Needs analysis
The first thing to do when you want to promote digitalisation is to carry out a needs analysis. Tools such as SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities y Threats) can be very useful to find out where we are and what aspects we need to improve, for example.
Digital transformation can be applied to inventories, sales, human resources management or corporate finance.
In short, this first step, which is essential, serves to find out “what” needs to be changed.
2. Digital transformation with disruptive technologies
Once the “what” to change has been decided, it is time to move on to the “how” to do it. First of all, the working methodology to be followed to make the change a reality must be considered.
And then, the disruptive technologies that will make it possible must be chosen. Once again, the human capital-technology binomial is present.
In any case, we do recommend using sufficiently scalable hardware and software solutions, especially if change is on the horizon.
3. Implementation according to Data Protection regulations
Data protection regulations are not an option, but an obligation. Since 2018, it is binding and obliges the new technologies we introduce to follow it.
For example, asking third parties for consent, limiting the use of data to the requested purpose and giving the possibility to unsubscribe or opt-out.
All this, in times of Big Data, makes it advisable to work with a technological partner specialised in these processes and with a legal advisor.
4. Qualified and trained personnel
Changes in technology require the company’s staff to have the necessary qualifications and training.
While the former is assumed when hiring, the latter may require specific training to adapt to the new software or hardware.
This is a central point when establishing the timing of the digital transformation.
5. Periodic reassessment of the degree of compliance
At the end of the period set for the digital transformation, it is important to check whether the new technologies have been implemented correctly and whether they are delivering the expected results.
If not, it will be necessary to see where they have failed and the measures to be taken to solve this problem.
However, it is essential to keep expectations in line with reality.
If you want to digitise your company yourself, you can apply for your “training voucher” and acquire the necessary skills to develop your own project.
Make the digital transformation of your company yourself
The Digital Generation Plan aims to promote the transformation of SMEs in order to improve their productivity and their possibilities for growth and internationalisation.
This plan is articulated through free training programmes, and is structured in two training itineraries:
- Generation D SMEs . For people who perform management functions in SMEs with between 10 and 249 employees, in order to train them in digitisation, productivity, growth and internationalisation.
The programme consists of 150 teaching hours and can benefit up to two people per SME.
- Generation D Agents of Change . Training and mentoring for SME workers and unemployed young people (up to 35 years of age) to become experts in digitalisation.
The programme also takes place over 150 teaching hours and, in this case, up to three workers per SME can benefit.
However, a minimum academic qualification is required (university degree or final year, higher vocational training or level 3 certificate of professionalism).
How do I get this free digital transformation training?
To access the training voucher, fill in the form on the website of the Escuela de Organización Industrial -EOI– (the body that manages the grants).
You can also choose the training entity that best suits you according to your autonomous community from among the 53 that will be distributed throughout the country.
The programme also seeks to foster collaboration between institutions, companies and public and private sector organisations in order to promote the development of new solutions to meet the challenges of digitisation.
To this end, it envisages the creation of a support network, with resources for participants, where you can exchange knowledge, experiences and best practices.
The grants will be available until 2025 and will be accessible to two to three people per SME. In addition, a support network will be created to better consolidate the programme.
Digital transformation is key, but it is important to be clear about how to do it and the legal implications of the process. Do you need specialised advice? At Asesoría Orihuela Costa we can provide you with everything you need, contact us!